In my late teens and early twenties, I began to fall victim to my personal desire for material things, cars, guns, drugs, jewelry, homes, cash and the like of things my flesh desired, but which I had not yet earned. The street began to lure me in its clutches, and I began to find it easier to make fast cash on the street, than to work for it. At the age of 22, I found myself facing a prison sentence, and stripped of all the material things that my "illegal-activities" had provided me. I did not cry over the loss of things, I realized they were not important. It was my disobedience to the Lord, my sin, the disgrace I had brought upon my family name, and the grief that my actions had caused them, that I was sorry for. It was for these reasons and many more that I cried out to the Lord in prayer, repenting of my sins and asking for forgiveness, and re- establishing my relationship with the Lord. My prayers were answered and I felt the Lord's love and grace. Since then, I have released several albums, motivational DVDs, and is currently venturing out to schools, conferences, churches, and more to inspire and motivate others to prevent making the same mistakes that I have.